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AnaCoqui: Immersed in Books

Just like every romance reader I know, I have my favorite tropes. They’re like red velvet cupcakes, I can’t say no. My top three tropes are: Fake Relationship/Engagement/Marriage, Enemies to Lovers, and Art Heist.

And then, depending on my mood, I’ll pick a book that’s either a big city or a small town setting. I’m partial to small town romances in the summer for reading on vacation. And then right before the holidays, I like big city romances for reading while I’m on planes, trains and in cars.

If I can find a romance that combines my favorite tropes with the setting that I’m feeling in the mood. That’s my sweet spot. It’s the cupcake I can’t resist.

So here are a few of my suggestions for Big City Lovin’ vs. Small Town Romance that are like my favorite cupcakes. (I can’t say no.) These are all romances with my favorite tropes, but some feature big city loving and others are small town romances. Both are good. Both are deeply satisfying. It just depends on my mood.

What are your favorite trope/big city vs. small town romances.

And then could someone please pass the cupcakes, I’m ready to discover new romance…



LIKE LOVERS DO by Tracey Livesay I have a particular fondness for romance novels that include a nod to a supportive circle of friends every heroine needs. Tracey Livesay does it so well – the dialogue instantly brings me into the group and makes me a member. Like Lovers Do is Book 2 in her Girls Trip Series. You may feel otherwise, but I don’t mind reading books out of order. Dr. Nicole Allen is small town girl who counts on the support of her close circle of friends. And when she gets into trouble her “friend” Dr. Benjamin Reed Van Mont is right there for her with a deal – if she’ll agree to pretend to be his lover for one week, he’ll pull some strings to help her out of her jam. And then it all gets real fast. Delicious beach reading ensues…


WEDDING DATE DISASTER by Avery Flynn Romance novels set at weddings are my catnip. And if I know the author is going to bring on some snarky dialogue, I’m all in. I can always count on Avery Flynn to make me laugh, but she’s in her element when she brings together a hero and heroine who can’t stand the sight of each other. In this case, Will Holt is the evil twin brother of the heroine’s best friend. Let the banter begin!


LOVE UNLOCKED by Libby Waterford Romance novels set at weddings are my catnip. And if I know the author is going to bring on some snarky dialogue, I’m all in. I can always count on Avery Flynn to make me laugh, but she’s in her element when she brings together a hero and heroine who can’t stand the sight of each other. In this case, Will Holt is the evil twin brother of the heroine’s best friend. Let the banter begin!



ACCIDENTALLY ENGAGED by Farah Heron I fell in love with Farah Heron’s writing with her debut The Chai Factor. She remains a one-click author for me. Accidentally Engaged hit me with a double-whammy – not only is it a fake relationship trope – it is painted with shades of Great British Bake Off with a couples baking competition a featured part of the plot. Yummy!


THE EX-TALK by Rachel Lynn Solomon I worked my way through college at a National Public Radio station. And then again I worked in the newsroom of a behemoth news radio station in Los Angeles.  Let me begin by saying Rachel Lynn Solomon gets everything right about the setting and the personalities you will meet on air. Come for the perfect world-building, stay for the snappy dialogue, and then you’ll be unable to stop turning the pages. Even after I turned out the lights and tried to fall asleep, I was still dreaming about Studio C at Pacific Public Radio.


BLANK SPACES by Cass Lennox  The story takes place in Toronto. There are four books in the series, but you can start with any one of them. I had an instant connection with Vaughn. And he and Jonah are complete opposites. Throw in an art heist and I’m all in. I’m def going back to read the rest of the series.


Sometimes I like to have my cake and eat it too. And that’s why I’m including these two bonus books — big city settings with small town feels.

When I was living in Los Angeles, I worked at Paramount Pictures and my apartment was in the Fairfax District. I never had to get on a freeway and on the weekends, I put my car in the garage and walked to LACMA, Whole Foods and the Farmers Market. I knew everyone who worked at all of my favorite haunts. It was like living in a small town in the big city. Maybe it was just because I grew up in a small town, but I loved having a small corner of a big city that I could call my own. These books give me the same feels.

FROM LITTLE TOKYO WITH LOVE by Sarah Kuhn Yes. I admit I am an adult who reads YA now and again. I was steered toward Sarah Kuhn’s writing in a bookstore and I’ve enjoyed everything she’s written. I love the feeling of falling in love for the first time. When life seemed so much simpler and the love interests were awkward and sweet. And Little Tokyo has a special place in my heart.

FLIRTING WITH FOREVER by Cara Bastone The author is a recent discovery for me, and I’m completely smitten. Not only can you always expect a dog on the cover, the heroine of this particular romance is thirty-seven, and I am always on the search for more romance heroines over 35. Ahem. This romance has a New York City setting, but the hero is a man who takes the subway back to ‘his neighborhood.’  That’s what I’m talking about. So much fun.